Final Danish exams
You can register for exams in Danish 1, 2 or 3 twice a year The exams are held in May/June or in November/December.
The registration deadline is 10 weeks before the exam.
If you attend Danish lessons at school, you can register for the Danish exam for free when you have passed the last module before the registration deadline. Once you have agreed with your teachers that you are going to take the exam, the school will register you for the test.
You can also pay yourself to take the Danish exam as a self-study. It is very important that you remember to register for the test and pay before the registration deadline.

See dates for the registration deadline and the upcoming tests here:
Spring 2025:
Deadlines for Sign-Up:
03.03.25: Danish Language Exams
22.04.25: Citizenship Tests: Naturalization and Citizenship Tests
Registration takes place in person between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM (Friday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM).
The fee must be paid via MobilePay.
Upcoming Exams:
May and June 2025: PD1, PD2, and PD3
28.05.25: Naturalization Test
26.11.25: Citizenship Test
Winter 2024:
– term finished
The Dansk 1 exam
The examination in Dansk 1 ends with an oral and a written state-supervised test. The Department for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) has prepared the requirements and questions that will be part of the exam.
You can register for the test at the language school in Kalundborg if you have attended Danish lessons at the school and have completed module 5 before the registration deadline.
When taking the test, you must bring identification with a photo (e.g. Danish residence card, foreigner’s passport, convention passport, or passport or identity card with photo from an EU member state)
The Dansk 2 exam
The examination in Dansk 2 ends with an oral and a written state-supervised test. The Department for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) has prepared the requirements and questions that will be part of the exam.
You can register for the test at the language school in Kalundborg if you have attended Danish lessons at the school and have completed module 5 before the registration deadline.
The exam in Dansk 2 is, among other things, a prerequisite for admission to the SOSU-education, AMU-courses and Technical School.
If you have passed the exam in Dansk 2, you can use it in your application for a permanent residence permit or citizenship in Denmark.
You can also pay yourself to take the exam as a self-study. It is very important that you remember to register for the test and pay before the registration deadline.
You can register for the test on the Kalundborg Language School’s website, which you will find as a sub part to the Kalundborg Municipality’s website.
When taking the test, you must bring identification with a photo (e.g. Danish residence card, foreigner’s passport, convention passport, or passport or identity card with photo from an EU member state)
The Dansk 3 exam:
The examination in Dansk 3 ends with an oral and a written state-supervised test. The Department for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) has prepared the requirements and questions that will be part of the exam.
You can register for the test at the language school in Kalundborg if you have attended Danish lessons at the school and have completed module 5 before the registration deadline.
The exam in Danish 3 is a prerequisite for admission to a large number of education programs in Denmark.
If you have passed Exam in Danish 3, you can use it in your application for a permanent residence permit or citizenship in Denmark.
You can also pay yourself to take the exam as a self-study. It is very important that you remember to register for the test and pay before the registration deadline.
You can register for the test on the Kalundborg Language School’s website, which you will find as a sub part to the Kalundborg Municipality’s website.
When taking the test, you must bring identification with a photo (e.g. Danish residence card, foreigner’s passport, convention passport, or passport or identity card with photo from an EU member state)
Knowledge Exams
See the deadlines and examination dates below:
- 22.04.25: Deadlines for signups for the Citizanship Exams: Medborgerskabs- og indfødsretsprøver
- 28.05.25: Citizenship Exam: Indfødsretsprøven
- 26.11.25: Citizenship Exam: Medborgerskabsprøven
Citizenship Exam (Indfødsretsprøven):
The citizenship exam is held twice every year at the Kalundborg Language School.
It is a written exam about Danish social relations as well as Danish culture and history, which you must pass in order to obtain Danish citizenship.
The citizenship exam consists of 40 written questions about Danish societal conditions, Danish culture and history. The 35 questions are within the framework of the teaching material prepared by the ministry.
In addition, the exam consists of five topical questions. The current questions may include questions about, for example, politics and cultural events.
You have 45 minutes to answer the 40 questions. The questions are multiple-choice questions. This means that for each question there are several answer options, where you have to tick the correct answer. Only one tick may be placed per questions.
To pass the exam, you must answer at least 32 of the 40 questions correctly.
When taking the test, you must bring identification with a photo (e.g. Danish residence card, foreigner’s passport, convention passport, or passport or identity card with photo from an EU member state)
You can register for the exam on the Kalundborg Language School’s website, which you will find as a sub part to the Kalundborg Municipality’s website.
The Active Citizen Exam (Medborgerskab)
The citizenship exam is held twice a year – in May and November.
The Active Citizen exam is a written test that deals with Danish governance, everyday life, culture and history.
If you apply for a permanent residence permit, in addition to a number of basic conditions, you must also fulfill 2 out of 4 supplementary conditions. One of these conditions is met if you have passed the Active Citizen exam.
You can register for the exam on the Kalundborg Language School’s website, which you will find as a sub part to the Kalundborg Municipality’s website.
Here you can read more about the rules for obtaining permanent residence or citizenship in Denmark: